The RED MAY events were held during the month of May 2017 in Seattle and Helsinki. The works gathered by This Might Not Work were an extension to a Seattle/Helsinki joint city-wide RED MAY festival, in order to support and promote the initiatives set forth by the festival. The selected works were either donated or made specifically for this platform by artists in regard to the current political situation of the world and United States. With the rise of far-right nationalism, fascism, and continuous war and destabilization of the Middle East, a part of the works gathered were addressing a frustration due to discrimination against various minorities, LGBTQ, migrant, nomad, Black Lives Matter, Native American, etc. The aim of this event-based programming was to provide a space to generate conversations in analyzing the contemporary issues through Marxism, political economy, feminism, philosophy, and postcolonial theory in academic and non-academic settings in different locations in Seattle and Helsinki.
This Might Not Work is a self-perpetuating chain of performances, presentations, lectures, and beneficial experiences organized by Hami Bahadori and Jo Kjaergaard (Helsinki, Finland) // Brandon Aleson, Matt Bell and Justen Waterhouse (Seattle, WA, USA).